4-2 Weekend
Chicago: DT and KJ
Cool Sculpture in Chicago
KJ and Me in Cleveland
Latvija's 90th Independence Day Celebration
4-2 Weekend
Chicago: DT and KJ
Cool Sculpture in Chicago
KJ and Me in Cleveland
Latvija's 90th Independence Day Celebration
Posted by Edite at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Well I haven't been home much since the Latvian celebration of Jani (Summer Solstice). 12 out of 21 days...after this weekend it will be up to 15-24. Sorry that I haven't blog I'll try to put up some pictures from each weekend I've been there. Hopfully this upcoming weekend. I think I'm going to stay home that weekend. Anyways....of the the vortex known at Garezers.
Posted by Edite at 12:04 PM 0 comments
KJ and I
EK, AS, and I
JK, OS, AA, AA, and KD partying it up at ODS
Saturday was Supertalka, the clean-up for Garezers. I spent the day with KJ cleaning up the beach....and of course Burka World. After working we started the first official Burka World of the summer, the partying continued until the wee hours of the morning. Sunday I made my way to Happy Landings for breakfast/lunch with some of my friends, then headed back to Indy.
Playin' Flippy Cup
MD and I
Posted by Edite at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Tomorow I'm leaving for my favorite quick getaway vacation, Garezers (Long Lake). It's been 3 months since I've been up there and I'm super excited! This weekend is SuperTalka. It's the weekend for cleanup, to get it ready for the summer. Saturday I will be cleaning, raking leaves, what ever they need done. When its all done I get a free t-shirt, free food, and free BOOZE.
Last weekend was a busy weekend, Friday night my good friend had his birthday party. It was a blast. We had a private room at a wine bar. Everyone got a little hammered, especially the birthday boy. Saturday I went to another birthday party, at a friends house. It was fun too, I got to see some people that I don't normally see. Other then that not too much else going on.
Posted by Edite at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Second post of the day. Today I picked up my baby from the vet. I'm glad he's home, but it's still really hard, never thought pet loss would be this difficult. He's been gone from this world for two weeks, it's still hard, but maybe now that he's home and watching over us, it will get easier.
Posted by Edite at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Preparing the feast
The Boys, Roz, Chunk, Ricky
Rick and DeDe
KJ and I
Playing some drinking game
Posted by Edite at 3:06 PM 1 comments
Well I thought I would quickly blog about my new Rosary. I made it a week ago, but was waiting for the cross and Mary to come in the mail. Well, it came today, so I finally finished it. The beads are amber (from an old necklace of my mom) which came from Latvia and the cross and Mary are sterling silver. Hope you guys like it, I love it. Oh, It also has the date of my confirmation on the back of the cross (5/4/08). I'll blog about my weekend later in the week, too tired to get into Memorial Day Weekend..
Posted by Edite at 7:09 PM 1 comments
Posted by Edite at 12:51 PM 0 comments
LK and I in the Hot Tub
EA doin' a keg stand
Takin' a break from the hot tub
EK and AK People are singing a Latvian birthday song,
then girls have to lift the boys 24 times each, it was a workout
Sunday, I had to go to a baptism. My cousin AL had her son baptized. It was nice seeing my mom's side of the family. I don't get to see them that often anymore. We need to get together more. Unfortunately, I didn't charge my camera battery, so I don't have any pictures of the baptism. Other then that, just back to the same old work week. I'm looking for a new job, so hopefully I won't have to be working there long.
Posted by Edite at 12:17 AM 0 comments
You came into my life on May 24, 1992. Six weeks later, we picked you up and took you home. I remember the car ride home, we were in the van and you were scared of the car. You laid on Paul's lap the whole ride home. It didn't take you long for you to get over your fear of the car and all we had to say was "Wanna go for a ride", then you became so excited and your tail wagged and you were ready to stick you head out the window to let your ears flap in the wind.
The pool was not "OUR" pool, it was "YOURS" You were in it more then anyone. I can remember rolling up the pool cover and we wouldn't have barely started rolling it up and you were swimming in the small area that you could swim. You ran around the pool barking and jumping in. You were also very protective for us when we would get on the diving board and you would jump in swimming right underneath it, whining and waiting for us to jump in and swim with you. You loved to race, "On Your Mark, Get Ready, Set, Go", is all we had to say, you swam quickly and right beside me with this little whine because you had beat me. Remember Oto (pool sweep), we would spray you with the tail and you would love barking and biting at the water? There were times when we tried to keep you back, but many times you bulldozed your way out the door. The times we out smarted and got out with out you, you will lay by the door licking it and whining, because the pool was "YOUR" pool.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days , except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
Posted by Edite at 7:40 PM 0 comments
My God Sister and I
Playin' on the Playground...Is that bad
hat I have a beer in my hand?
Shot Gunning with KJ
S.I. and Me after playing some cards
S.I, Godsister, Me, B.B., and Chunk
Sunday was Mother's Day, as you all know. We didn't do anything special. Although, my dad fixed my mom and the whole family breakfast. I was a good daughter and did get my mom a present. I got her a tart warmer from Yankee Candle. Sunday evening I went to mass, then came home to a home cooked dinner...which my mother had prepared, Cubbed Steak with mash potatoes, gravy, and peas! My favorite! Funny thing is, is that my sister actually made the same thing for dinner that night in AR. Great minds think alike.
Today I've been spit-up on, drooled on, and baby food spilled on me. I've been stuck in the Older Infant room (6months-11months) at work. It's the busiest room in the school. By the time I walk out the door I have had to feed cereal to 8 babies, changed about 24 diapers, feed lunch to them(2 jars of baby food each), and gave them at least 2 bottles of formula/breatmilk, wash bottles, and clean/sanitize the room. Let me tell ya its exausting, and I've got to do it all again tomorrow. The stressful thing is, is that I work with a girl who I don't really like and doesn't really do that much, I feel like it's 70-30. I wish I could smack her sometimes. The only thing that gets me through the day is my 4 special babies, Kennedy, Lena, Wyatt, and Annie. I'm off to bed to get some much needed rest.
Posted by Edite at 9:52 PM 1 comments